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DipFD Direct Entry Route Scotland

DipFD Direct Entry Route Scotland

Current Status
Not Enrolled
£420 Non Members / £320 NAFD Members
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Welcome to the NAFD DipFD Direct Entry Route

The Direct Entry Route is a fast track route to registration for the NAFD Level 4 Diploma in Funeral Directing, for experienced funeral professionals with no previous formal funeral related qualification.

The duration for completion following registration for this process is a maximum of 6 months.  Applications and assessment must be  completed within this timeframe.

The Direct Entry Route contains the following steps, which all need to be successfully completed before you can apply for the NAFD Level 4 Diploma in Funeral Directing.

  1. Online Application Form
  2. Online upload of Proof of photo ID
  3. Online upload of a copy of your current CV
  4. Online Assessment of technical knowledge based on funeral arranging  / conducting a funeral (inclusive of statutory / non-statutory documentation, FD Code of Practice)
  5. Completion of an Evidence Spreadsheet, including upload providing evidence of 75 funerals arranged and / or conducted over a 5-year period
  6. Two written references. References will only be accepted from allied funeral professionals.
  7. Registration for an online Professional Discussion with an NAFD examiner will also be required as verification of experience and knowledge.

Once you have completed the Direct Entry Route process an NAFD examiner will take responsibility for overseeing your assessment and outcome prior to approval for entry to the NAFD Level 4 Diploma in Funeral Directing.

Scheduled dates for the professional discussions for 2025 are: 11th March 2025, 14th May 2025, 15th July 2025, 16th September 2025, 12th November 2025.

You are not permitted to register or commence studies on the L4 DipFD until you have successfully completed all elements of the Direct Entry Route and received written confirmation of their DER results directly from the NAFD.

NAFD Level 4 Diploma in Funeral Directing: you will be required to register at a cost of £550 / NAFD Members £420, payable to the NAFD, plus tutor fees.  You will be notified by the NAFD once your completed Direct Entry Route work has been approved.

When purchasing this NAFD training programme, if you are employed by an NAFD member firm you will be eligible for the reduced course registration rate. On completing the registration page and proceeding to the checkout, if you do not see the reduced rate as an NAFD member, you will need to login to your profile via the Learning Zone and update your details with your correct NAFD membership number.

Please contact if you experience any issues.

In addition, whilst the NAFD do not routinely check whether students hold a Maths and English qualification at Level 2, we strongly recommend that if you don’t have this Level of qualification, you should make steps to obtain this as there will be a lot of written assessment required for completion of the NAFD Level 4 Diploma in Funeral Directing.

If you have any questions regarding any of the steps above please contact the NAFD Learning team on the email above.


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