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NAFD Funeral Arranging and Administration Certificate (FAA Cert)

Current Status
Not Enrolled
£1775 Non Members / £1475 NAFD Members
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Welcome to the NAFD Funeral Arranging and Administration Certificate.

All of the content and learning material for the FAA certificate is contained in the lessons below.  You will be required to complete each lesson in order, reading through the content, completing any activities and the end of unit proof of learning assessments, before you can proceed to the next unit. You are required to complete the activities within the units as you will need to upload your proof of learning in the end of unit assessment. You are also likely to be assessed on these in your final written examination.

Each lesson is broken down into a series of learning outcomes. These are listed at the beginning of each unit, and the content for each learning outcome is split into separate topics.  Please refer to your Syllabus document for further information on these units, learning outcomes and assessment outcomes.

Units 6, 7, 11, 12 and 17 are split into separate lessons for England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. For these units, you only need to learn the content for the country which you predominately work in. If you have completed the unit relevant to your home nation and do not need to complete the learning material for the other nations, please contact the NAFD at, and we will progress you to the next unit.

NOTE: For students in England& Wales, the learning materials are currently being updated following changes to the medical examiner process introduced 9th September 2024. All students will be notified when the updates have been completed.

Some of the units will have an introductory video at the beginning, please watch this video before you proceed to the learning material contained within that unit. Once you have worked through the content of each unit, please click ‘Mark Complete’ at the end of the Unit. It is recommended that you have a separate notepad to make notes of additional reading and research, to help aid your study and revision for your final written examination and professional discussion.

You will find all relevant documentation, the course Syllabus, Student Handbook and the lesson ‘Course Materials’ directly below this introduction. It is strongly recommended that you read these documents before you begin the course.

As outlined in your Student Handbook, you can only be considered eligible for your final examinations once you have completed all of the units, activities and proof of learning assessments, and you have provided evidence of arranging a minimum of 36 funerals over an 18 month period.  You are also required to complete the Portfolio of Information.  Both documents can be found under ‘Course Materials’ and it is recommended that you complete each as you work your way through the training programme.

The NAFD will publish the dates of final examinations annually, and these will be published on the NAFD Learning Zone pages, as well as being emailed to you. Once you have submitted your final funeral arranging evidence, and it has been approved by the NAFD, you will be given a registration link to book your final written examination. The examination dates for 2023 are available on the ‘Course Materials’ section below. Good luck and we hope you enjoy studying for the NAFD FAA Certificate.

Now you have watched the introductory video, you can proceed to the Initial Self Assessment. Please note, you must complete and upload this before you are given access to the learning material.

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    Allow 48 hours for response, Monday – Friday.

