NAFD Funeral Director Code
Now you have gained knowledge about the requirements of the NAFD Funeral Director Code, take this opportunity to review current practice within your own workplace with your employer, and where applicable, create a set of recommendations for improvement or change where required.
Upload to your portfolio.
NAFD Guidance:
The student should consider the sections of the Code and identify where there is best practice within their
own workplace, and where there are areas of improvement.
Whilst doing this, they should consider whether their current workplace practices would make them compliant in an inspection and also, the impacts of their practices on themselves, their team, the business and client or wider community.
Consider both positive and negative impacts.
Go through the Funeral Director Code and see if there are any stand out issues that are not in place. If so then consider how this can be corrected also consider how you could be affected if it is not corrected and the positive impacts of making the correction.
Max Word Count – 1000 Words